Being Tuluva Help Foundation (BTHF) ® is a non profit registered organisation. Since 2011, BTHF is working on humanity cause.
Being Tuluva Help Foundation ® till date has completed many projects. Since 2011 to Dec 2013 BTHF ® was one of the sponsor of Mid-day meal for a school.
Our objective is to bring awareness and reach mass to join hand in our help foundation so that we can help more underprivileged people, needy & disabled children.
3 up coming projects.
Being Tuluva Help Foundation project reetid 2011 du kelasa malthond ulla. Olpala sahaya tikande mast kastoda praristidu ipuna janakulegu BTHF vividaha karya roopod kelsa malthd dhana sahaya, vastu dhana, annadhana bokka jeeva oripuna onji yedde bele namma tuluva jawaner ottugu serudu malthond ulla.
Namma tuluva yuva shakti undu belegu nikeleg apinath sahaya bokka protsaha malpule pand vinanthi.
-Gani Dev, Founder & CEO.